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Woodford Wheels

WOODFORD WHEELS volunteer drivers gathered for an appreciation lunch at Spark Community Cafe on Saturday, Feb. 22. The volunteers have provided approximately 3,000 rides since the City of Versailles began the service two years ago. Front row, from left, Ashley McHugh (ride coordinator), Sheila Mobley, Rebecca Kelly, Marcia Burns and Helen Rentch. Back row, from left, David Lowry, Dudley Hanks, Versailles Mayor Laura Dake, Herb Petitjean, Lori Garkovich and Randy Swartz. (Photo provided)


4-year-old Abri Joe Hall is shown with a snowman built Tuesday, Feb. 11 with her grandmother Debby Hall of Versailles. (Photo submitted)

Womans Club photo

The Woodford County Woman’s Club February speaker was Sioux Finney, left, who has been instrumental in the development of Huntertown Community Interpretive Park. Brenda Jackson, right, lived in Huntertown as a young girl and has been a valuable resource for preserving the community’s history. (Photo submitted)

Farm Bureau

Members of the Woodford County Farm Bureau (WCFB) recently traveled to San Antonio, Texas, for the American Farm Bureau (AFB) Convention to display its booth for the Annual WCFB Rodeo. This trip was largely granted for winning a County Activities of Excellence Award. Pictured from left to right are Jeremy Dotson (WCFB President), Christy Durbin, Marshall, Beau Neal, Shawn Knight, Austin Wingate, AFB President Zippy Duvall, Melissa Tomblin, Dusty Tomblin, Rick Wallin, and Amanda Wallin.

Road Closed 3-Wide

NORTH MAIN STREET in downtown Versailles was closed temporarily on Wednesday morning so workers could finish repairing a sanitary sewer line, with work likely to continue on Thursday to replace the pavement, Utilities Manager Mitzi Delius told the Sun. The closures are temporary and will occur only when work is being done, she said. (Photos by Bob Vlach)


KCTCS PRESIDENT Ryan Quarles gave the keynote address at the Woodford County Chamber Annual Awards Luncheon on Jan. 31. (Photo by Scott White)

Elected Officials food drive

ELECTED OFFICIALS representing Versailles and Woodford County governments held their annual food drive on Saturday, Jan. 25. Thirteen elected officials collected 1,752 pounds of food and $564 for the Food Pantry for Woodford County. Fiscal Court Magistrate Darrell Varner is pictured participating in the food drive at Kroger. (Photo by Laura Dake)

John Coyle food drive donatcolor

THE JOHN COYLE MEMORIAL FOOD DRIVE collected $9,871 in donations and 400.4 pounds of donated food for the Food Pantry for Woodford County. With the cost of food rising at the grocery store, son John Paul Coyle, pictured, said his family was pleased that so many people donated to the food drive. Family friend Connie Weber Sutherland organized the first food drive in memory of John Coyle, a former county judge-executive and sheriff, after Coyle’s death in November 2018. This past year’s 7th annual

Daniel Jackson

HOEDOWN AT THE SENIOR CENTER! The Country Grass Band performed to an appreciative audience at the Woodford County Senior Center on Jan. 24. Members are, from left, Paul Cable, Tom Livengood, Boyd Crowder, John Stewart and Dan Jackson. (Photo provided)

Table Topics contest

Midway Toastmasters congratulated the winners of the club’s Table Topics Speech Contest. In this challenge, participants deliver two- to three-minute impromptu speeches in response to a question they hear for the first time. Rick Sebree (center) earned first place, Mark Roozen (right) took second, and Steve Lanham (left) came in third. Sebree will advance to the Area 52 contest in February. (Photo submitted)

International Contest

Midway Toastmasters congratulated the winners of the club’s International Speech Contest. In this competition, participants deliver a five- to seven-minute speech on a topic of their choice. John Silva (right) took first place, with Steve Lanham (left) earning second place. Silva will represent the club at the Area 52 contest in February. (Photo submitted)


On Tuesday, Jan. 14, Buford-Landmark Lodge No 41 held its 2025 Officers Installation. Jeremy Kifer was installed at Master along with his remaining elected and appointed officers by MWPGM Chris Stout. (Photo submitted)

Chamber Leaadership Forum

WOODFORD COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’s Executive Leadership Roundtable hosted Sen. Amanda Bledsoe, R-Lexington, and Rep. Dan Fister, R-Versailles, on Jan. 14 at the Kentucky Community and Technical College System campus. The event included a question-and-answer session about the issues they anticipate working on during the 2025 legislative session, which resumes on Feb. 4. Despite the weather and iffy road conditions, a good crowd attended the event and engaged with the elected officials. Bledsoe

Weisenberger Mills in the Snow 11x17

THIS PICTURESQUE IMAGE of Weisenberger Mill was taken by Midway photographer Roger Jordan after a winter storm blanketed Woodford County with snow and ice last week. “I call what I do natural photography,” Jordan told the Sun during an interview last June because he wants a place’s natural beauty “to shine.” (Photo by Roger Jordan)

Swearing In.City Council.Dec2024

VERSAILLES CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS were sworn in on Dec. 30, 2024, at City Hall by Kentucky Court of Appeals Judge Anthony Wilhoit. From left, Versailles Mayor Laura Dake, council members Mary Bradley, Ann Miller, Fred Siegelman, Wilhoit, and councilmembers Lisa Johnson and Gary Jones. (Photo by Joe Johnson)

VPD Conner

TIM CONNER WAS PROMOTED from sergeant to lieutenant of the Versailles Police Department on Jan. 1. New Versailles Police Chief Rob Young pins the lieutenant bars on Conner’s uniform. Sgt. Brent McGee was also promoted to lieutenant but was not able to be present for the pinning ceremony. (Photo by Laura Dake)

VPD Young

ROB YOUNG, effective Jan. 1, has been appointed the new chief of the Versailles Police Department. He received his new pins from recently retired Police Chief Mike Murray. Young had been serving as “acting chief” since Murray’s retirement on Nov.30. (Photo by Laura Dake)

swearing in

Kelli Kearney was sworn in as the 14th District commonwealth’s attorney on Jan. 2 at the Scott County Justice Building by Chief Circuit Judge Jeremy Mattox. The 14th District serves Bourbon, Scott and Woodford counties. Pictured, from left, are Kearney’s husband, Adam, their children, Kendal and Jake, Kearney and Mattox. (Photo submitted)


RABBI SHLOMO LITVIN of the Chabad of the Bluegrass, based in Lexington with programs all over Kentucky, joined Versailles Mayor Laura Dake in the lighting of the menorah to begin Hanukkah celebrations. Rabbi Litvin explained this Jewish festival, lasting eight days, commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in 165 BC by the Maccabees after its desecration by the Syrians, reminding the world of the triumph of good over evil.

Tri 4 Fun

EIGHT PEOPLE completed an unofficial “Tri 4 Fun” competition at Falling Springs on Dec. 27. The indoor triathlon involved a 20-minute swim, 20 minutes on the stationary bike and a 20-minute run on the track. Adam Kring won the event. Pictured, from left, Brad Blanchard, Sammy Friel, Chase Azevedo, Stefanie Wiley, Charlotte Wiley, Joe Wiley, Mike Asalon, and Kring. (Photo submitted)

Vivian with boys

VIVIAN RICHMOND borrowed materials from the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife, including a replica black bear skull and footprint, to share with students from Southside Elementary School. Richmond told Maverick Wurzbak and Easton Wilson, pictured, and their second grade classmates that bears have five toes and rely on thick fur to stay warm. Richmond’s impromptu teaching session on bears came after the students visited seniors at the Woodford County Senior Citizens Center on Dec. 18. Richmo

Pam Murphy with girl II

RETIRED SOUTHSIDE ELEMENTARY TEACHER Pam Murphy listened to Nora Harris read a holiday poem when Nora and her second grade classmates visited the Woodford County Senior Citizens Center on Dec. 18. The Woodford County Conservation District sponsored the service learning field trip. (Photo by Bob Vlach)

Chamber EOY 3

WOODFORD COUNTY GOVERNMENT employees enjoyed hanging out with new and old friends. Pictured from left, Katie Arthur, Sammi Coleman, Jordan Coyle, Melody Traugott, Lisa Gaines and Emily Castle. (Photo by Scott White)

Chamber EOY 1

WOODFORD COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE held its end-of-year celebration at Grey Ridge Farm, a full-service training, breeding and sales facility for Saddlebreds located on Scott’s Ferry Road and owned and operated by Bret and Susi Day. The main barn was set up with well over 20 tables full of Woodford County merchants, farm owners, elected officials and community leaders. (Photo by Scott White)

Spark Xmas

SPARK COMMUNITY CAFE held its annual breakfast with Santa in partnership with Versailles Presbyterian Church for the Amigos Group. The event allows families to have a meaningful holiday experience regardless of their ability to pay. Pictured from left, Whitney Stepp-Gay, Lori Garkovich, Chef Marissa Prince, Annabel Nagle, Arissa Keith and Blake Heller. All gathered around Santa, who made yet another trip down from the North Pole. (Photo by Albert Chandler)

VHS Class of 1962

THE VERSAILLES HIGH SCHOOL CLASS of 1962 held it’s second annual Christmas luncheon at The Woodford Inn to celebrate the Christmas holidays. Pictured from left, front are Linda Downey, Pearl Hatton, Natalie Hopkins, Peggy Seal, Glenda Creech, and Rosemary Johnson. In back from left are Gloria Donnell, Ed Howard, Gary Wilson, Charlette Phillips, Bill Foley, and Raymond Weber. (Photo submitted)


MIDWAY AND VERSAILLES city governments put up beautiful Christmas trees this year for everyone to enjoy. The trees provide a popular site for family photographs, as seen on many Facebook posts this year. (Photos by Lucie Chandler)

Masons IMG_2402

On Saturday, Dec. 14 members of Buford-Landmark Masonic Lodge No 41, participated in the annual Wreaths Across America ceremony at Camp Nelson Military Cemetery. From left are Johnny Mills and David Paul at the grave Non Evans Jr., a 50-year member of Buford-Landmark, who recently passed away. (Photo submitted)

Tiny Homes Xmas

TINY HOUSES, INC. held a party to decorate the tiny house model home on Camden Avenue for the holidays, located behind Fouser Environmental Sciences. Tiny Houses raises funds for to replace homes lost in disasters, including two in Breathitt County. From left, Nancy Fouser, Alice Kiviniemi, Ethelwyn Matthews, and Bebe Bond. (Photo by Scott White)

Womans Club

THE WOODFORD COUNTY WOMAN’S CLUB hosted Kentucky Humanities Chautauqua performer Simonetta Cochis as Madame Mentelle. She is pictured with Ellen Hellard. (Photo submitted)


THE WCHS CHEERLEADERS won the KHSAA Gameday state tltle for the second straight season Saturday Dec. 14 at George Rogers Clark High School in Winchester. For more photos and a complete story about the cheerleaders winning back-to-back titles, see page 6. (Photo by Bill Caine)

Midway runners

MIDWAY UNIVERSITY MARATHONERS earned All-American honors at the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) Championships held Sunday, Dec. 8 in Sacramento, Calif. Jacob Kocis, pictured right, concluded his record-breaking collegiate distance running career with a second-place finish in 2:22:54. Trinity Smith, left, also came away with All-American honors, the second year in a row, finishing sixth-place in 2:58:40 in the women’s division. (Photo courtesy of Midway University)

Softball Team

THE WCHS LADY JACKETS SOFTBALL TEAM is volunteering their time to help with this year’s Operation Secret Santa by organizing toy donations. The players were looking for an opportunity to help the community and to bond as a team as they prepare for this year’s spring season. Pictured, from left, front row: Maddie Midkiff, Makinley Beard, Bri Coovert, Kaylee Boswell, Samantha Barber, Emma Woodrum, Lyla Pitzer and Kendall Wright. From left, back row: Kinley Sewell, Jillian Watson, Marlee Cushingber

Elf 4

COMMUNITY TRUST BANK AND THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE presented $250 to the Jeri Hartley Foundation and Cops for Kids as part of the Elf Kids Dash and Santa Shuffle on Saturday, Dec. 7. Pictured from left, Barry Hartley, Corey Cooley, Jenn Stephens and Sgt. Anthony Conner with the Versailles Police Department. (Photo by Scott White)

Amsden 1

THE AMSDEN in downtown Versailles celebrated its 7th anniversary with an “Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration” that was free to everyone on Saturday, Nov. 30. Carolers and guests mingle in front of the Amsden Coffee Club in this picture. (Photo by Sarah Dunn)

Kiwanis Pancake

THE VERSAILLES KIWANIS CLUB held its annual Holiday Breakfast on Saturday, Dec. 7 at Versailles Christian Church, with scouts from Cub Pack 32 and Boy Scout Troops 43 and 43G helping as servers and with clean up. The event was sponsored by Metronet Versailles and in-kind food from Save-A-Lot, Kroger and Dunkin›. Pictured from left is Whitney Stepp-Gay, Kiwanis secretary, Tony Lucido, Kiwanis president, Todd King of Metronet and Santa. (Photo by William Downey)


Buford-Landmark Masonic Lodge No 41 held its annual Christmas meal and charitable check donation to the Woodford County School’s Family Resource Center’s Backpack Program on Friday, Dec. 6. From left, Logan Culbertson, Danny Adkins, Mallory White, Deann Watts, and David Paul. Over the past 10 years the Woodford County Masons have donated $140,000 to this program. (Photo submitted)

Midway Xmas 1

MRS. CLAUS visited with the Nance family on Nov. 30 following the lighting of the Midway Christmas Tree. Olivia, 8, in the chair, was designated to lead the call for Santa and the lighting of the tree. Olivia›s sisters, Ivy, 2, with mom Samantha behind, and Nora, 5, made sure Mrs. Claus has the North Pole Post Office well-staffed. (Photo by Logan Nance)

Jean Stewart IMG_0142

Mrs. Jean Stewart of Versailles celebrated her 100th birthday Nov. 28 at the Woodford Inn with a group of family and friends. Mrs. Stewart was born in Anderson County. She is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University and worked as a home demonstration agent in central Kentucky. She and Robert Stewart were married in 1953 and lived in many places thanks to Bob’s lengthy career in the US Air Force. They retired in Versailles in the mid-1970s with their daughter Susan. When asked her secret for lon

Midway Thkging

MACY’S IN MIDWAY! Commercial and art photographer Matthew Donohue of Midway obtained a permit from Midway City Council for an “alternative” Thanksgiving event that required closing part of Main Street. Donohue delighted onlookers and viewers of the Midway Musings Facebook page with a parade involving one Tom Turkey balloon being guided by Midwegians Kennedy Spalding and Everly Littrell. There is no word yet if the NBC Today Show will be covering the event live in 2025. (Photo by Matthew Donohue)

Beccera anni

TAQUERIA BECERRA celebrated its 15TH anniversary in Versailles with a Woodford Chamber of Commerce event at its restaurant at 127 W. North Street. For many Versailles residents, Taqueria Becerra offers the best authentic Mexican cuisine, with a large selection of foods available on its menu. Editor’s note: “Try the chile rellenos (stuffed poblano peppers) . . . they are unbelievable, best ever.” The Becerra’s pictured with friends from the Chamber, third from left, are Elizabeth, Servando Sr., S


LOVE LIGHTS A TREE, an annual American Cancer Society program honoring cancer survivors and remembering lives lost to the disease, received a donation of $196.75 from Mimi Logsdon and Debra Mitchell, pictured left, on behalf of the Relay for Life team at The Woodford Sun. Peggy Carter Seal, right, accepted the check from Logsdon. Love Lights A Tree is Monday, Dec. 2 at Versailles Presbyterian Church on North Main Street beginning at 7 p.m. (Photo submitted)

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